We run taster sessions every Autumn where you can learn a traditional morris dance with our friendly team at the Hale Institute Hall in Upper Hale, Farnham, GU9 0HN. If you want to join at other times of the year, please contact us.
In the summer we can be seen performing at fetes, festivals and special events as well as our regular pub evenings where we dance with other local groups. Our taster evenings are the perfect chance to give morris dancing a try, dancing to live music in a supportive and fun group. Dancing is a great form of exercise – and much more fun than the gym. It’s also fantastic for your mental health and well-being. Loose clothing and sports shoes recommended.
“I love Monday evenings … dancing makes me happy – it’s great exercise and a chance to learn something new with a great bunch of people. It’s really boosted my confidence.
I never knew I was a dancer until I tried Morris.”
From a new member who joined Jackstraws following one of our taster evenings.
Get in touch if you’d like more information.